Forgivness has Boundaries.

We’re taught and it is absolutely biblical that if you are going to call yourself a Christian, covered in blood of Christ by the grace of God through faith and forgiveness, that you have to forgive others. It’s a must. No question about it. But, forgiveness has boundaries. Forgiveness does not absolve the forgiven of consequences for actions.
Christian Singleness in the Modern Day

Seems like several of my ponderings have been about Christian dating/marriage-related things. That is not really the intent of this blog per sé but this one is too. I’ve read a lot of articles and books over the years about Christian singleness and dating. Marriage too. But, I read another commentary about singleness and the […]
To The One I’m Predestined To Be With…

Love is in the air and with less than a week until the next overly commercialized pagan holiday, it seems like Valentine’s Day sales ads are everywhere at the moment. I was flipping through Facebook earlier and an ad for this Valentine’s necklace came up on my feed. I’ll leave a link below if you’d […]
Running from Our Calling

I have a golden retriever named Theo who is my pride and joy. He’s such a mess and has a great personality. He loves everyone and is as sweet as can be. But he is also an attention hog, and a little prone to mischief that could get him in trouble. Well, my precious Theo […]
A Mother Bird’s Lofty Perspectives

”Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.“ Colossians 3:2 ESV On late spring day, a little bird went about building her nest in a pile of brush. She worked hard, flying back and forth, to and fro, here and there and everywhere, collecting twigs, leaves, and grass […]
2023 Recap

We’re fast approaching the end of 2023. It was a great year in some ways. I felt the Lord’s provision and direction in a lot of different areas this year. I got to work with some great clients. Really helped some people along the way. Made new friends and new clients. Experienced God’s goodness and […]
Let Your Light Shine

Today is both Sunday and Christmas Eve. At church this morning, we had “candle lights” at Wyatt Baptist Church while we sang. This wasn’t a Candlelight Communion service but just something that was for whatever reason part of the singing during church. But the candle lights were these modern battery-powered lights instead of real candles. […]
Strong Fences

This was shared as part of a longer post on my other site but it seems fitting to share here as well. A few weeks ago, there was a bull riding event at the Evers Arena here in El Dorado, Arkansas. There were some great bulls and great riders. The whole thing was an event put […]
I hear that Train a coming, It’s Rolling round the bend.

Why do I post biblical stuff on here all the time? Well to not “Exhort one another daily” is like seeing a child playing on the railroad tracks and falling down with a boxcar loaded down with the judgment seat of Christ barreling down the tracks on other people and doing nothing. One day […]

I have a few thoughts on this. One is that this is a command that we should take seriously. We are so easily drawn into loving the World and we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. We are to love our enemies and so on and so forth but we are NOT to love […]